Parents Used To Give Their Children A Great Deal Of Freedom

Parents today, however, tend to be much more restrictive. Is this a positive or negative development?

Band 9 IELTS essay sample

Three or four decades ago, that means before the internet and satellite television reached nearly all households, parents used to give a lot of freedom to their children. For example, children could go out to play, spend long hours in their neighbour’s or friend’s place and have fun. Nowadays, many parents constantly supervise their children’s activities and do not even allow them to play outside. There are mainly two reasons for this development. First, parents want their children to focus more on their studies. They want to keep all distractions away. Second, parents are concerned about the safety of their children.

When I was a child, I used to spend the vacations in my relatives’ homes. No one really supervised us in those days. We made our own amusements and entertained ourselves. Today, I do not allow my children to even visit my neighbour’s home without a valid reason. I am concerned about their safety. The news stories that I stumble upon on the internet or the television are always about violence. I constantly read about or listen to stories of sexual assaults on children. I am worried about drug peddlers and do not want my children to be befriended by them. Needless to say, I keep a tab on them all the time.

When parents put too many restrictions on children, it has both positive and negative aspects. In general, it is good for their safety. It also enables them to spend more time on their studies. In this highly competitive world, children need good grades to succeed. By restricting their activities, parents can ensure that children devote more time to their studies. There are plenty of disadvantages too. Children who enjoy a decent amount of freedom tend to be more confident. They learn by trial and error and are usually independent. The freedom that they enjoy also improves the bonding between them and their parents. By contrast, if parents impose too many restrictions, it makes children resentful. They also fail to develop the ability to think and act independently. They will always need someone to tell them what to do or what not to do.

In short, in a world full of known and unknown dangers, it is natural for parents to want to limit the freedom their children enjoy. While this practice generally keeps children safe and away from bad company, it also affects their confidence and self-esteem. Hence, in my opinion, it is neither fully positive nor fully negative.